
ᗢ Lvl 32
✎ Hobby artist
🜬 Neurospicy queer gremlin


Hey there, you can call me Merry!
Just your average hobby artist and queer disaster x3
I've been drawing and creating OCs since about 2002 or so. While a majority of my work is digital, I do enjoy painting with acrylics from time to time.Feel free to look around my socials for more of my work, or to request a commission when they are open!

Terms of Service

By commissioning me, you agree to the following terms and conditions. I reserve the right to change these terms at any time, and will update here when/if I do so.Last updated: May 17th, 2024

General Terms of Service

I reserve the right to decline any commission, whether or not I have open availability. I retain the rights to any artwork created by me, and may post the work on any of my social medias (with reference to the commissioner), unless explicitly asked otherwise. All commissioned work is digital only. You will automatically receive a .png file of the piece, either through email or Discord (whichever you prefer). Please let me know if you want to receive a different file format when you submit your request. My art is NOT to be used in ANY WAY for anything AI related, NFTs or any other cryptocurrency. Any use of my work in this way is a breach of my ToS, and therefore considered copyright infringement and will result in a permanent blacklist. Do NOT remove my signature/watermark, or trace, heavily reference, or claim my art as your own. Commissioned work is for personal non-commercial use only. You may use/reupload the finished piece on any of your social medias as long as you credit and link to at least one of my socials (verymerryscribbles on Instagram, meriaun on Toyhouse/Artfight/Carrd).

Payment, Timeline, and Updates

Payment will be through PayPal or Ko-fi tips only. Prices will always be in $USD. Payment is required up front before I begin for most commissions taken at this time.
    Otherwise, 50% upfront and 50% after the initial sketch will be accepted, but this is a case-by-case basis (Ex. multiple characters, larger scenes, ect.) and must be requested during the initial order.
Each commission will be completed within 1 to 3 months, and I will give frequent updates during this time. My queue can be found on Trello here
but I will also do my best to update via Discord/TH DMs or email as I go. I work full time and also have a teenager I am helping to raise - please be patient with me!
For any commissions that are not a YCH, I will always supply a Sketch for approval prior to Lineart, and then a final Lineart prior to Color to make sure everything looks good.
    Any changes after approving the Lineart are subject to a $10-15 fee, depending on complexity.

Refund Policy

If you need to cancel an order, please reach out to me and I will issue a refund based on completion and complexity.
This is a case-by case basis, but I will follow this general outline:
- Not Started: 100%
- Sketch: 80%
- Lines/Flat color: 40%
- No refund after Shading/Final Touches are completed.
If I am unable to complete your commission for any reason, I will issue a FULL refund, and send you the work I have completed thus far.
- HOWEVER, I will NOT tolerate any disrespectful behavior
or harassment, and reserve the right to cancel a
commission without refund if this occurs.

Design T.o.S


Keep my credit on any design by me that you have purchased or received via gift/trade, whether from me or other users. If there is original art from me included with the character, DO NOT remove my signature/watermark from those pieces.

You MAY:

Make edits (changing markings, adding/removing accessories, subtle color palette changes, ect.) as long as my original design is still recognizable.
    If you make a good amount of changes, feel free to add yourself to the design credits, as long as you do not remove my credit for the original design.
Change the species/make alternate forms without asking me, with the exception of making it into a Closed Species without the permission of the CS's creator. Use the design for personal and non-commercial use (including using my design to purchase stickers, plushies, pins, fursuits, ect. for yourself, as long as you do not claim credit for the original design). Regift or retrade any designs for the same value as it was received for. Resell the design for the same price as it was bought for;
    Or at a higher price as long as additional value was added through personal and/or commissioned art.
*Free and/or gifted art DOES NOT count as added value*
Own or share any design, as well as any artwork by me that may come with my designs, on other platforms (Instagram, DeviantArt, ect.) as long as you credit and link to at least one of my socials (verymerryscribbles on Instagram, meriaun on Toyhouse/Artfight/Carrd).


Use my designs for NFTs or ANYTHING AI related, PERIOD.
Claim my designs/art as your own.
Remove my watermark/signature from any art that I have done that came with the design.